"Patent specifications require very special attention during the translation process. They have to be absolute accurate because a single word may decide whether a patent has been infringed or not. Still a lot of patents are registered in Asia. In 2010, some 13,000 patents have been submitted for registration in China, some 32,000 in Japan and some 10,000 in South Korea in the PCT Patent System of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation, and counting. With these numbers, East Asia outperformed the regions of Western Europe (about 35,000) and North America (about 48,000) with a total of some 55,000 patents. The number of patents from East Asia submitted in foreign countries is also rising."
Source: China's patent EXPLOSION could leave West behind

For this reason, six translators in the areas of Bonn, Cologne and the Rhein-Sieg district with translating experience in general and patent translation in particular have gathered together to offer a solution for the growing demand for translating Asian patents. I. e., we mainly offer translating patents from Chinese, Japanese and Korean into German and vice versa. In addition, we are also offering research, information management and project coordinating. All fellow translators shown on this page are working exclusively in their own name and on their own account.

Please take a look at our brochure for further information.

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