
According to ISO norm 17100 a revision is comparing a target text with the source text. A revision is a mandatory part of the so-called four-eyes principle, in which a translation that has been produced according to ISO norm 17100 has to be checked by another qualified person. In a revision a translation is checked for correctness in terms of terminology and content. Upon enquiry I will carry out revisions for translations from Chinese or English into German.


According to ISO norm 17100 proofreading is a simple check of a text in the target language that has already been revised. The text in the target language will not be compared to the source text. Proofreading is not a mandatory part of the so-called four-eyes principle, in which a translation that has been produced according to ISO norm 17100 has to be checked by another qualified person. Upon enquiry I will proofread German texts wherein the German text does not have to be a translation.


According to ISO norms 17100 and 18587 post-editing is the revision of machine-translated texts. Post-editing is not covered by ISO norm 17100. In 2017 an independent norm for post-editing has been established with the ISO norm 18587.

Post-editing makes very specific demands on the reviser because he or she usually has to set his own view of premium quality translations aside. The client needs to define precisely how far the post-editing process may and also has to go. Upon enquiry I will post-edit machine translations from Chinese or English into German.


DIN EN ISO 17100: Translation Services – Requirements for translation services

DIN EN ISO 18587: Translation services – Post-editing of machine translation output – Requirements

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