Individual Training

I am offering individual Across trainings for fellow translators who are interested in learning Across. I am able to respond to the exact needs of the learner in every individual training. The length of each session is variable and depends o the individual needs and the time available to the learner. The training platform will either be TeamViewer or Skype. It is also possible to do trainings at the learner's home or office, however these will probably only make sense on rare occasions, because there will be other costs in addition to the training fee. I am charging my fee by the hour.

Individual Help

We don't have to arrange a full training for each an every question you might have. Some questions are just as easily answered by e-mail or over the phone. And don't worry, unless questions are coming in too frequently, I will not charge a fee for every question. However, I will be very happy if you would show me some kind of appreciation. This can come in many different ways, e. g. mentioning my help in a social media article, mentioning my name to fellow translators, or whatever you you think appropriate.

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