Quality assurance
The translation process is followed by the quality assurance, which is usually a three-step process. The first step consists of checking the quality assurance criteria that my computer-aided translation (CAT) software offers me. The second step then is running the spell- and grammar check of MS Word. As third and final step I am printing the target text and then going to a place where I feel comfortable, away from my computer. Then I am reviewing the translated text again, making sure that it is fluently readable, that the connections between sentences are fitting, and correcting any possibly still existing mistakes.
With regard to spelling, grammar, formatting, meanings of words and expressions, and any other notations the following references apply in their respective order:
- The rules of the Rats für deutsche Rechtschreibung/Council for German Orthography;
- The rules of the DIN 5008, as specified for instance here;
- The recommendations of the volumes of the Duden dictionaries;
- My own researching results.
Should you have different requirements, simply tell me.
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